There are no limits for Android and that’s what fascinates me. You can do a hell lot of thing in your Android device without root. With root, the possibilities are endless. As a result, now Nokia X, X+ or XL users can also install multiple supported Android ROMs with the help of DualBoot Patcher in single device. Thanks to the developer yshalsager at XDA who managed DualBootPatcher App to support Nokia X/XL/X+. The DualBootPatcher allows you to install any number of ROMs at the same time on the same device.
What is DualBootPatcher?
DualBootPatcher is an open-source app that can be used to install multiple ROMs on a single Android device. It does not require explicit support from ROMs and currently 198 supported devices are supported by DualBootPatcher App.How DualBootPatcher Works?
It works by patching the secondary ROM’s installation scripts and boot image to load the ROM files from an alternate location (/system/multiboot, /cache/multiboot, and /data/multiboot). No changes to the primary ROM are necessary to implement this.Download DualBootPatcher Utilities and APK here
You can download all three files using the link above which includes, a DualBootPatcher apk, a .ZIP containing Utilities and a .Zip file containing Windows DualBootPatcher.exe file.
How to Install Multi ROMs or Dual Boot Nokia X, X+ or XL
To know more about installation and support on DualBootPatcher, visist this XDA Thread. Here you will find complete guide on installation of DualBootPatcher and ROMs.Conclusion
MultiROM Manager is just like DualBootPatcher, which supports many popular Nexus devices, Xperia Z series and many other Android devices including Moto. You can checkout more about MultiROM Manager here. This allows the user to Boot Multiple ROMs on his device. These are the best tools available for those flashaholics who loves custom ROMs. This also allows you to install ROMs on your SD Card. If you have a bigger SD Card, you can have even more ROMs. To know about how MultiROM Manager works, Ask Question using the Comment Box.Best Regard
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